historical fiction, history, writing

Minority Representations in Media & the Importance of Getting it Right

http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2015/04/23/native-actors-walk-set-adam-sandler-movie-after-insults-women-elders-160110 It’s disgusting that this is still going on in 2015. They’re humans and deserve to be treated with respect, but what can I expect from hollywood (under-represents minority voices) and from adam sandler (who hasn’t tried since like 1998). I had, and still have, my worries and reservations about having so many Oneida characters… Continue reading Minority Representations in Media & the Importance of Getting it Right

historical fiction, history, writer, writing

Turn: Washington’s Spies

The season two opener really upped the stakes not only in terms of the narrative, but also in the show as a whole. The specific subject matter is not only original, but unprecedented in media, much less encapsulated in a TV show. This show has really inspired me as a writer in terms of the… Continue reading Turn: Washington’s Spies